

Control Action
Move forward
Move backward
Turn left
Turn right
Select difficulty level


In this strategic shoot ‘em up, it is your mission to save the world by outmanoeuvring and destroying rebel Supertanks and UFOs. Enemy tanks will recharge before shooting again. Use your scanner to locate enemies out of view. Five skill-level challenges. Keep moving to avoid enemy fire.

Starting a Game

Option Description
Start Game To begin the game at level 1, press the fire button on the joystick.
Level Select To change the starting level, press the menu button on the joystick.


Move the joystick forwards and backwards to move your tank. Rotate in-place by moving the joystick left and right. Spot enemies through the alert message panel and the radar. Orient the tank so the reticle is on a target, and fire!

After firing a shot, you’ll have to wait until the shell flies its course, or hits an enemy before firing again.


  1. Alert Message Panel - Indicates when an enemy is in range.
  2. Radar Scanner
  3. Score & High Score
  4. Lives

Enemy Types

Icon Description Points
Tank The most common enemy. Moves slower than the player’s tank, and has the slowest rate of fire. 1000
Super Tank A challenging tank variant which moves at the same speed as the player, and has a higher rate of fire. 2000
Missile Guided missiles that move erratically at a fast speed towards the player. 3000
Saucer A non-combatant enemy that can appear alongside enemy tanks. Hit for bonus points! 5000


Dateline; 1999.

The nations of Earth have finally agreed on a world peace plan. But a power-hungry rabble of military malcontents won’t go for it. Instead they’ve sent out armies of robot-driven weapons hell-bent on winning world power for themselves.

These lethal machines turn Earth into a lifeless landscape — unless you can defeat them!

The only defensive weapons left on Earth are vintage military tanks. They are your only hope for searching out the enemy machines and destroying them — before they destroy you!