

Joystick Action
◯   ⬤ Fire
⬤   ◯ Fire
◸   ◥ Mines
◤   ◹ Bombs
●○○○ Shield
○●○○ Bounce
○○●○ Seeker

Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine

Shoot pirate ships and collect their stolen federation cargo. Switch between your five weapons to choose the best weapon for the job. Some collected objects give you extra weaponry. Yellow canisters boost your current weapon by giving extra ammunition. Reach the end of the level depot before your time runs out.


Federation storage depots have been raided by pirates, taking valuable minerals, jewels, ammunition and the latest battle weaponry. You have been commissioned by the Federation to retrieve the cargo and return it to a storage depot within a specified time limit. Extra points and an extra ship will be awarded if you succeed.

The pirate craft have activated all planetary defence systems which you will have to negotiate as well as the pirates themselves. If you fail to reach the depot within the time limit or the value of the retrieved cargo is insufficient you must forfeit one of your Cybernoid ships.


Use the joystick.

THEC64 Joystick has buttons TL, TR, A, B and C pre-programmed for each weapon (see ‘Weapon Modes’).

Playing the Game

Screenshot 01

When a pirate craft has been destroyed it will drop its cargo of stolen objects. Manoeuvre your ship over the object to retrieve it. Certain objects will alter the appearance of your ship; these objects offer external weaponry that can be utilised on difficult screens. Occasionally, when a pirate craft is destroyed it will drop a yellow canister. This canister, when retrieved, will increase the amount of the currently selected weapon by one.

Display Panel

Screenshot 02

From left-to-right the display panel selections are as follows:

1. Displays the number of ships left. 2. The top number shows your current score. The bottom number shows the value of cargo you have retrieved on the current level. 3. Displays the current weapon mode in text. Number on the left shows the amount of the current weapon that you have. Number on the right is the maximum storage capacity for the current weapon. 4. The coloured graph gives an indication of how much time you have to reach the end of level depot. When the graph has totally disappeared your time limit has expired.

Weapon Modes

Keys 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 select your ship’s weapon modes:

Key Weapon Description
1 BOMBS Destroy large defence emplacements
2 IMPACT MINES When placed at strategic points on the screen halt pirate craft
3 DEFENCE SHIELD Temporarily renders your ship invincible.
4 BOUNCE BOMBS Bounce around the screen detroying any emplacements they touch
5 SEEKER Tracks down its quarry

Hold FIRE button down to activate the selected weapon.

Screenshot 03


MUSICIAN: Jeroen Tel
DESIGN: Raffaele Cecco