Update the firmware

Firmware updates for THE400 Mini provide new features and correct issues. We always recommend that you update to the latest version of the firmware.

Ensure that your USB memory stick is formatted using FAT32 (with an MBR) otherwise the update file will not be detected. We advise using a USB memory stick that is less than 32GB in size. See Why is my USB stick not detected and Using a pre-prepared USB stick image.

When updating please ensure that your THE400 Mini only has one joystick connected. Do not plug the USB stick into a USB hub to perform the update. See the FAQ for further details.

Features introduced in version 1.0.1

Please read the full feature instructions for version 1.0.1 here.

  • Adds additional game Caverns of Mars
  • Fixes missing graphics in M.U.L.E (note this will invalidate previous M.U.L.E save states)
  • Fixes analog stick mapping for 5200 controllers so they act as analog not digital
  • Fixes Missile Command so that it does not reset when resuming from a save state
  • Increases the display height that can be configured for user-provided games
  • Extends the use of keyboard arrow keys, with and without CTRL keys
  • Adds Hard Reset to set of joystick mappable keys
  • Adds additional USB keyboard keys for Help, Atari, Reset and Hard Reset
  • Supports booting cassette images from a playlist
  • Minor bug fixes

Note: You agree that the firmware upgrade is provided to you entirely for use at your own risk. Retro Games Ltd cannot be held responsible for any failures that arise from the use of this or any other firmware upgrade.

the400-mini-upgrade-v1.0.1.rup 13.4 MB
SHA256 checksum: e465c0790963e27b4c17f5942663e79257b7a1a572a6c220feeeef583a197640

Applying the update

  1. Download the latest firmware.
  2. Copy the firmware onto the root directory of a FAT32 MBR formatted USB stick. Do not place it in a folder.
  3. Insert the USB stick into the rear USB port of THE400 Mini.
  4. Go to Options → Advanced options → System information.
  5. We recommend unplugging all peripherals from THE400 Mini, leaving only the Gamepad and USB stick.
  6. THE400 Mini will check if there is a newer firmware on the USB stick and, if so, give you the options to Update or Cancel.
  7. Selecting Update will begin the installation process. THE400 Mini will display a progress bar which will fill up from left to right as the update proceeds.
  8. Do not interrupt or remove power while the update is in progress. After a successful update THE400 Mini will restart automatically.

You can check the firmware version afterwards by repeating step 4.

Note that you cannot install a firmware earlier than the build version currently installed.